Saturday, January 11, 2014

~Five For Friday!~

Five for Friday....FREEBIES?!?

It's that time again! And in pure Natalie fashion, I am a day late, as usual! There's just something about Friday nights that I just can't seem to keep my eyes open past 9:00. Hmmmm...I have NO  idea why that might be...haha! However, I LOVE linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching (even if I am habitually a day late) and sharing some cute ideas. My favorite part is linking up with others and seeing their even CUTER ideas!

Let's get this <linky> PARTY started!

Cookie Monster CRUNCH!

I am so excited to share with my followers a cute new game that I have uploaded to TpT! It is a super cute and fun sight word game to use in a small reading group or to teach your kids how to use in a literacy center. It is called the "Cookie Monster Crunch!" game! Basically, each cookie card contains a kindergarten sight word. There are 6 cookie monster cookie cards and 3 milk cookie cards. To play the game, all cards are turned over and students take turns turning over a card. If they get a sight word card, they read the word and keep the card. BUT...if they turn over a cookie monster card, they lose all of their cards. If they turn over a milk card, they get to "steal" a friend's card. It is a super cute game that I have been playing for a while now and I want to share it. I have made a kindergarten version AND a first grade version! This game is for sale in my TpT store for $3.99 (both versions included)! 
Here is a sneak peek! (More in-depth directions are included in the file packet).


Keepin' It Warm with Unit Words!

I have also been working on some unit words to revamp my thematic unit chart! I keep a pocket chart in my writing center of theme words for the kiddos to use in their writing. I also refer back to these as a way to stimlate ideas during Writer's Workshop! I made some January/February word cards to use. Both months contain eight theme words. I can't wait to see the look on my kids' faces when they see the ooey gooey words I chose for February--I LOVE Valentine's Day! The best part about these words...they are in my TpT store FOR FREE! If you would like them, click the first pic below and get you some FREE STUFF!


Keepin' It Warm with My Fur Baby!

Is anyone else still lamenting the end of Christmas break? I know I am! For me, it wasn't really the whole "going back to work" thing, because I love my job. It was more the "waking up at 5:15 and pressing snooze for 30 minutes" thing. I don't think ANY human should have to wake up before 6:00 AM. No, scratch that...9:00 AM. I slept until 10:30 or AFTER every glorious day of Christmas break! Ha! One thing that made getting up so early not SO incredibly bad? Snuggling with my fur baby, Oliver. Yes, yes, I know. He is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. And yes, that sweet face makes peeing on my favorite rug not so bad.

Was Santa Nice to You?

My fourth tidbit to share for the linky is one of my favorite gifts I was given for Christmas. Who knew that my 19 year old little brother could be so sentimental? I got my very first Willow Tree Angel. And the best was the teacher one! How sweet and cute!

Wanna Laugh?

My last post today is a collection of hilarious pins I made on Pinterest over the past few days. I love a good laugh and these certainly deliver! Enjoy!

Wanna link up and share and *steal* some great ideas? Head on over to Doodle Bugs teaching and do it! And don't forget that the first three commenters get my Cookie Monster Crunch Game FOR FREE! Yippee!

Keep Calm and Blog On!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

*Fabulous, Fun, and FREE!!*

Feeling Frisky
I finally had a burst of energy! Maybe it is because I had so much wonderful rest over the holidays...Or maybe it is because we had a two hour delay yesterday due to the "POLAR VORTEX"...Or maybe it is because my class was so well behaved today. Either way, I came home and made a freebie for TpT. I keep a unit word chart in my room for my students to use during Writer's Workshop and journal writing time. Usually I do monthly themes and decided to me a file for January and February. I have it listed in my TpT store and it is FREE! If you're like me, you'll take anything free! Here is a preview below! Click the title slide to go to my store!
Yippee and happy blogging!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

*Happy New Year!!!!!*

2014 = New Beginnings

Wow! I am stunned that 2013 is OVER! But, I must say, I am glad it is over! It wasn't my best or most memorable year and I'm happy that it is time for a new beginning! So, like so many of you have done, I have come up with a list of some, They aren't the most exciting, but they are on my list.

Drumroll please.....

1.) The obvious--get healthy. Wow, hasn't this been my resolution for, oh, the past 15 years? So, let's skim over that and go to number two---

2.) Stop cursing--as it turns out, this kindergarten teacher has quite the filthy mouth. It isn't one of my best qualities and honestly, I am surprised that in my six years of teaching I haven' let something slip in front of my kids. Thank God I haven't! 

3.) Go to church--this is a sad resolution, and one that I am kind of ashamed to admit, but I haven't been to church in....well, we will just leave that part out. I need to go. I need to give thanks for many, many things.
4.) Update my blog more often--I am not too good at this! I love my blog, I love updating it, but this thing called *LIFE* happens and honestly, sometimes I like sitting on the couch and zoning out to Netflix movies after a long day of teaching five year olds.

And this brings me to the rest of my blog post today: CURRENTLY! I am excited to post my January currently and link up with Farley over at Oh'Boy Fourth Grade! And in true Natalie fashion, I am a day late with it! goes!

Want to link up and share what you are CURRENTLY up to? Head over to Farley's awesome blog by clicking the icon below!