Monday, October 27, 2014

Product Updates

Since I am dusting off the keyboard, per se, and ending my dry spell of blog neglect, I wanted to share some projects that I have listed in my TpT store! If you're like me, TpT is a lifesaver when it comes to finding kitschy, creative, funky, clever, differentiated, and simple ideas to implement in the classroom. Sometimes, we, as teachers, need that last minute item that will seal the deal and reach our students. And if you're like me, you don't always have the time or energy to always make the activities yourself. Not only am I a seller on TpT, but an avid buyer as well. It is amazing how many early childhood products are listed on this site...and to think the proceeds go to hard working teachers...even better!

Shape Bingo

My kiddos and I just finished up our unit on 2d shapes. I actually made these simple bingo cards for a Fun Friday math activity. They are so simple and my kids loved reviewing their shapes through a fun game. Basically, each child gets a game "board." I put the printed pages in plastic sleeves to preserve them. In this product there are 3 variations. All are winners! We don't want any tears, now do we? To extend the activity, this file also has a center game for your math center in which students roll and record shapes using a wooden block. They simply roll the "dice" and color until they reach the top for the winner! 

The Five Senses

This school year I have really been trying hard to incorporate at least 25-30 minutes of science instruction into my day--aside from integration into other areas. It has been a challenge, but my students absolutely love it and I enjoy it, too! I have been busy making products to go along with our science units and FOSS kits and came up with this Five Senses Booklet. It never ceases to amaze me how certain products are "hot." I created this little student authored book as an independent work component to go along with our study of the five senses. It has been my most popular product to date! The kids enjoy making their five senses booklets and there are two variations for differentiation--one version that is fill in the blank and one version that has the prompt written at the bottom for them. It also comes with Five Senses unit word cards for your writing center or simply to help you introduce the five senses. If you're interested, this is available in my store and you can get there by clicking the polka dot banner on the right of the screen. And the best's only $1.99!

Isn't that "Tweet?"

So, my big thing this year is trying to contact my students' parents on a more regular basis. I have started sending home monthly "tweets" which are basically little announcements to parents letting them know how their child is doing. They are based on positive behavior, so I praise their child for what is going well. I also have a section that I add academic updates based on their child's growth. Below is a miniature version of what I send home. I haven't uploaded the larger version to my store yet, but like this one below, it will be free! This little note is easy to print and it comes in different versions. As you all know, I like birds and

Thank you for reading my posts on this Magical Monday! Take a peek at my TpT store and see if anything strikes your fancy! Hang in there...Friday is right around the corner! 
*Tweet Tweet*

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