Friday, August 4, 2017

2 YEARS...

It is hard for me to believe that I have neglected my blog for 2 years. That is shameful. I decided on a whim today to type in the address of my blog to see if it was still...alive. Thank goodness it is still here and it is still as cute as ever. I gave it a facelift 2 years ago and then slowly got bogged down with all the other things that go on in life and the blog slowly became a "use to do." So, to catch up, we will do a  fast forward version of the past 2 years.  

After moving back home, we ended up living with my parents for 14 months while our beautiful dream home was being built. Yes, 14 months with the parents was not ideal, but it was worth the wait because we moved into our beautiful farmhouse in October of 2016. I taught 3rd grade the 2015-2016 school year and ended up very unhappy. It just wasn't the right fit for me.I was the departmentalized ELA teacher and had over 50 students who I was responsible for. Overwhelmed is an understatement. I enjoyed the school I was at, but unfortunately things did not work out for me in regards to being able to switch grade levels. I ended up interviewing and taking a kindergarten position at a different school. Everything works out for a reason because I absolutely love my new school. I taught kindergarten last year and it was one of my best years and classes that I have ever taught. It was as though my passion had been reignited and I, once again, enjoyed my job and teaching young children. The opportunity and change came at a crucial time in my teaching career, as I was very unhappy in my past situation. I am now gearing up for year 10 of teaching and I could not be more excited.  I have spent the summer thinking of new and improved ideas and can't wait to meet my new little ones. 

With the change of grade level (back from 3rd to kindergarten), I revamped my entire classroom theme. I decided to ditch the bird theme (as it is overdone these days anyways and I wanted a fresh start) and go with something that I absolutely love...something that I have adored since I was a little girl, which is a BUNNY theme. I can say I am the only person I know who has a bunny theme. I still have the adorable red and white polka dots as a complimentary theme, but bunnies are the main one. I have adorable vintage bunny posters, nameplates and bunting banners, not to mention bunny border and even a bunny behavior plan where they lose carrots out of their gardens!  Just being in my classroom makes me happy because it is filled with things I love--bunnies and little kindergarteners!

I am also on a new journey to health and wellness. I have changed my eating habits and drastically changed my exercise routine. I am trying to be the best me that I can be. Hopefully, I will keep up this blog and add to it throughout the coming weeks and get back into the groove of updating my life through this blog. 

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